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Command Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS)

A software design pattern that separates the responsibilities of commands and queries into two distinct models.

Command Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS) is a software design pattern that separates the responsibilities of commands and queries into two distinct models. The primary goal of CQRS is to improve the performance, scalability, and maintainability of software systems by segregating the responsibilities of commands and queries.

In a traditional monolithic application architecture, these two concerns are often intermingled, leading to inefficient and inflexible systems. By separating the responsibilities of querying and modifying data, CQRS aims to simplify the design of an application, making it more modular, easier to test, and easier to change over time.

The primary idea behind CQRS is that reads (queries) and writes (commands) have fundamentally different requirements and should be optimized for each of their respective purposes. Queries typically require high availability, low latency, and scalability, while commands need to enforce business rules, guarantee consistency, and maintain transactional integrity.

How CQRS separate reads and writes?

Commands are operations that modify the state of the system. They include operations such as creating, updating, or deleting data. Commands are usually initiated by the user or another system and can be asynchronous or synchronous.

Queries, on the other hand, are operations that retrieve data from the system without modifying it. Queries are read-only operations that are used to retrieve data for display or analysis purposes. Queries are usually initiated by the user or another system and are typically synchronous.

CQRS separates the responsibilities of commands and queries into two distinct models, each with its own set of classes and data storage. This separation allows each model to be optimized for its specific use case, resulting in better performance and scalability.

In a CQRS system, commands and queries are typically processed by different components, and the data storage for each component is also separate. The command component usually stores data in a transactional database, while the query component stores data in a read-only database or cache.

CQRS also promotes the use of event sourcing, which involves storing every state change as an immutable event. This approach allows the system to easily track and replay past events, making it easier to diagnose and fix issues.

One of the benefits of CQRS is that it can improve performance by reducing the load on the database. By separating the read and write operations, each can be optimized independently, which can lead to better performance and scalability. Additionally, CQRS can make it easier to maintain an application because the code is organized into smaller, more focused components that are easier to understand and modify.


In conclusion, CQRS is a software design pattern that separates the responsibilities of commands and queries into two distinct models. This separation allows each model to be optimized for its specific use case, resulting in better performance and scalability. So before deciding if you will implement CQRS or not, you always should consider what your application demands.


Filipe Dias

Senior Software Developer

I am passionate about technology. I am focused on producing quality software with standard architectures, customizing them as needed and using appropriate software design patterns.

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